The Read and Sing Story Time includes stories, songs, and finger plays for infants and toddlers.
Stories and activities for children ages infant to 7 years old. Large groups please call 838-4353 for an appointment.
Book: The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
Craft: Paper Roll Crayon
Stories and activities for children 3+ and their families! Please call the Children’s Desk at 504-364-3664 for the latest information.
Join us for our new program just for homeschoolers! Parents will have the opportunity to request curriculum support resources while kids mingle and collaborate on a weekly STEM, art, or culinary activity.
Let your little ones practice basic mixing, measuring, and motor skills while doing learning to make an easy snack and becoming familiar with preparing food!
Let your little ones practice basic mixing, measuring, and motor skills while doing learning to make an easy snack and becoming familiar with preparing food!
Walking Club
Get moving with us as we take an outdoor walk in our backyard.