Automotive Enthusiasts rejoice! The Jefferson Parish Library is hosting its first ever Cars & Coffee event! Bring your cool car or motorcycle and hang out with other enthusiasts while enjoying some of our exclusive Library Blend Coffee!
The purpose of the group is to encourage local writers to create works of fiction - novels, novellas. short stories, flash fiction, etc. Writers submit manuscripts to be critiqued by other group members.
educational workshop for social workers
Join us for arts and crafts at the library! First come, first served. Entry into craft closes at 10:15 a.m.
To award scholarships to two UNO students.
To pay tribute as a group to the founding women educators who created the Delta Kappa Gamma teacher society in 1929.
Do you like card games? Well come join us in our Trading Card Game Day! Come hangout and play Magic the Gathering, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and more! Make new friends while you have fun playing your favorite TCG!
To host the annual owners meeting for the La Maison Condominium Association.