AARP Tax Event: Please bring a picture ID and necessary tax documents.
Android Phones 101 for Seniors is designed for seniors with limited smartphone experience. Participants will learn smartphone terminology and have hands-on experience with a senior guide (seniors guiding seniors).
The Jefferson Parish Library, in conjunction with YMCA New Orleans, offers an intermediate English as a Second Language class.
Local representatives from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) help individuals with their taxes. Free of charge and open to the public. Available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Staff training
This event includes stories and activities for children newborn to 5 years old.
Book: Look for the Lorax by Tish Rabe
Craft: Handprint Lorax
Join us and the Clear Head Adult Day Care for a craft or art project each week! Caretaker must be present.
The “Read and Sing Storytime” includes stories, songs, and finger plays for infants and toddlers.
Join us for books, songs, and dancing! We start with stories and songs and end with a craft activity. This event is for toddlers and young children ages 0-7.
Book: Green Wilma by Tedd Arnold
Read & Sing is a storytime featuring books and songs aimed at babies and toddler ages 0-3. Come read with us at West Bank Regional Library every Wednesday beginning at 11am. Playtime with library toys to follow.
Join us for books, songs, and play! Our program starts with stories and songs before our weekly activity. This event is for toddlers and preschool children.
Adult Literacy – YMCA Literary Services will hold adult literacy classes from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Belle Terre Library, 5550 Belle Terre Road.
This gentle yoga class is given by Registered Yoga Teacher Peter Spera every Wednesday & Thursday at the Gretna Library. Spera has 20 years of experience in yoga. Bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes.
Storytime with Craft: Leprechaun vs Easter Bunny
This month's theme is luck! Come read Leprechaun vs. Easter Bunny by Toddy Tarpley.
Provide the opportunity for WBR employees to receive a massage.
This month’s book is The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt. Tea/Coffee served at 2pm. Discussion at 2:30pm. Please bring your own mug!
Northstar Digital Learning is aimed at helping adults acquire the technology skills they desire in a low-pressure setting.
Come to the library after school to play some Nintendo Switch games with your friends. Snacks are available for the price of checking out a book!
This event includes stories for children ages 0 to 5 years old. This event is held in the Children's area.
Large groups please call the Library for an appointment.
Join us Mondays and Wednesdays after school for a half hour of crafts, games, and activities designed to help support reading, math, and other skills for kids of all ages. Programs will rotate weekly.
The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in partnership with Community Housing Education Center offers free, one-on-one tax return preparation to qualified individuals with an annual income of $67,000 or less.
This event is for players, experienced and new, to join adventures across different continents, fighting different villains, saving town’s people and slaying some dragons!
Paper crafting is the art of making 3D objects out of paper. Supplies will be provided. Adults and teens are welcome. This event is held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Craft: Spring Paper Flower Wreath
Join us for an Any Book Club. Choose any book from the genre--this month it's Urban Fiction--and come ready to discuss it with the group.
Our organizations’ mission is to promote, preserve, and educate the community and descendants of our heritage, traditions, culture, and contributions Italians have made throughout history.
Learn to make a hanging kitchen towel with a buttonhole.
Snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers, young Furiosa gets caught in the crossfire of two tyrannical warlords; as the tyrants fight for dominance, Furiosa soon finds herself in a nonstop battle to make her way home.
More than 3,000 named kinds of Camellias exist, in a remarkable range of colors, forms, and sizes.
The Pontchartrain Astronomy Society was founded in 1959 and currently has a roster of nearly 150 members from South Louisiana and South Mississippi.