JPL Adult Fiction Writer's Group

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Program Description

Event Details

The purpose of the group is to encourage local writers to create works of fiction  - novels, novellas. short stories, flash fiction, etc. Writers submit manuscripts to be critiqued by other group members.

Manuscripts are submitted a meeting ahead of time so that members of the circle can read them during the week and make written comments. At the meeting, the work is discussed and critiqued. When the critique session is completed, the writer has marked copies to take home.

Those who submit must remain quiet during the critique of their work. The purpose of a critique is not to defend the work – it is to hear the comments of others who have read the work and who are making suggestions to improve it.

After the first few months, new members will be required to conduct critiques at two full sessions before putting their own work forward for review. This is to prevent new people from showing up, having their work critiqued and never showing up again.

Fiction and screenplays only, no poetry. Writers may submit novel chapters or excerpts from larger works but writers may only put 20 pages before the group at a time.

Materials submitted for review should be properly formatted, including page number.